Music Adventure

Introduction to Music

Designed for children ages 4 – 6

Join Music Adventures and let your child embark on a joyful journey into the world of music! Our engaging classes will spark their creativity while building essential skills for playing instruments like piano and violin, setting the stage for a lifetime of musical exploration!

Classes:  Saturdays: 1:30 – 2 pm

 8 week sessions.   Choose one or both sessions:

            January 11 – March 1

March 8 – May 10 (skip 4/12, 4/19)

A parent participates with the child in each class

Tuition:  $160 per session  ($20 per class)

Music Adventures classes encourage music development in young children (ages 4 – 6) through singing, drumming, listening, playing with a group and following a leader.  It will incorporate many types of music genre such as classical, jazz, bluegrass and pop music.  Classes will prepare students to be successful playing piano, violin, or cello as well as later participating in music groups such as orchestra, band or choir. 

Teacher:   Gail Boyer, an experienced music teacher who has the training and experience working with young children.

If you have questions, please send an email to [email protected]


Theme: Overlay by Kaira